Our Team
The Burnaby Safe House is an outreach of the Christian Advocacy Society of Greater Vancouver, a non-profit agency providing support to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies, post abortion grief, domestic violence, and sexual assault.
CAS outreaches include the Burnaby Safe House, OnlineCare Canada, Crisis Pregnancy Centres of Vancouver and Burnaby, Post Abortion Community Services and Rape Victims Support Network.
In our 30 years of community service, we have assisted over 20,000 women. All peer counselling services are free and confidential.
Our Staff
BSH Intake Worker
Katrina Hydich
CAS Executive Director
Norma Cody
Board of Directors
David Bornman
Dr. Sherry Chan
Dr. Margaret Cottle
Barbara Schmidt
Bill Schulz
Board of Reference
Rev. Art Birch, Pastor
Denise Caldwell, Counsellor
Dr. Dauna Cutforth, Physician
Dr. Edward Dubland, Physician
Dr. Patrick Ducklow, Psychologist
Mark DuMerton, Businessman
Dr. John McLeod, Physician
Nancy Michel, Psychologist
Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, Archbishop
Rev. Murray Moerman, Pastor
Peter Mogan, Lawyer
Brian Norton, Pastoral Counsellor
Dr. Joan Schultz, Psychologist
Dr. Landa Terblanche, Nursing Professor
Peter Vaughan, Family Therapist